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Arduino ESP8266 ESP32 Webkit Voice control Multilanguage

Voice control

Demo for try: (Working under Chrome) Follow the instructions on the site!

  • Slovak language
  • Czech language
  • English language
  • Russian language
  • Source Codes Microcontrollers - They work with a website link where voice-to-text translations are running!

  • Arduino + Ethernet shield client - SK
  • NodeMCU - SK
  • ESP32 - SK
  • ESP32 Enterprise - SK
  • Arduino + Ethernet shield client - CS
  • NodeMCU - CS
  • ESP32 - CS
  • ESP32 Enterprise - CS
  • Arduino + Ethernet shield client - EN
  • NodeMCU - EN
  • ESP32 - EN
  • ESP32 Enterprise - EN
  • Arduino + Ethernet shield client - RU
  • NodeMCU - RU
  • ESP32 - RU
  • ESP32 Enterprise - RU

  • The process of converting a voice sample to text is called speech-to-text or speech recognition
  • Microcontroller has limited performance, can only work with text strings, outputs, send data to the Internet.
  • It does not have enough performance for the speech-to-text process, nor does it have the libraries that would allow it.
  • Therefore, speech-to-text conversion must be done by a computer or server. With voice control, I use Webkit technology that communicates with Google"s servers.
  • Google servers are able to send a backward header header containing text in a short time horizon (a few ms).
  • Webkit can be applied to any world language and can be used from any device that has Chrome / Samsung Mobile support.
  • Voice control can be used for any platform, web part is universal
  • Where technology fits?
  • Intelligent houses
  • Controlling outputs from the Internet (Loxone from worldwide)
  • Automatization of the house from anywhere
  • Facilitate the control of the home by persons with limited mobility
  • What I need to be able to use this technology in the project?
  • Webserver with HTTPS protocol, and also HTTP variant to use Arduino
  • Google Chrome / Samsung Mobile
  • Wifi network for NodeMCU / ESP32, or LAN cables for Arduino and its Ethernet shield from the Wiznet family